Do you smell popcorn Sunday mornings? YES, you do! Our Popcorn Ministry is up and running, actually it’s up and overflowing!
As each elementary kiddo leaves their KIDS Worship time (11:00 – 12:00) they are invited to take a bag of freshly popped popcorn with them from our awesome volunteers in the upper atrium. Why do we do this? We want each child to become fully acquainted with this smell of freshly popped popcorn at CCC where we purposefully practice Food for the Soul (awesome Bible teaching), and Food for the Body, the yummy popcorn! It might one day bring them back to church as a teen or an adult as they recognize that same yummy smell of popcorn at the movie theatre.
To be a part of this fun and delicious ministry, or other great opportunities in KIDS Ministry, please contact Angie Hand - angie.hand@centralcommunity.org.